M16-DOOM is an add on patch for Doom version 1.2. You must have version 1.2 for this patch to work. This patch replaces the fists, pistol, chaingun, rocket launcher, plasma gun, and BFG 9000 with an M16 rifle. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT CLAIM ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OF THIS PATCH! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. IT IS ALWAYS A GOOD IDEA TO BACK UP YOUR DOOM.WAD AND DOOM.EXE FILES BEFORE USING ANY PATCH. Installation: You should unzip the contents of M16-DOOM.ZIP into your Doom directory BE SURE TO UNZIP WITH THE -D OPTION. To install the patch run M16IN.BAT. Backups of your old graphics, sounds, etc. are made but if you feel sqeamish its always a good idea to backup your doom.wad and doom.exe files. Note that some other add-ons may replace some of the features in M16-DOOM and vice versa. If for some strange reason you don't absolutely love this patch then you can restore the original weapons with M16OUT.BAT. The following changes will be made when you install the patch: Fists are now a bayonet thrust. Some of you may remember the first previews of DOOM showing what appeared to be a rifle with a bayonet on it. I don't know why id took it out but you have one now! Still makes the "punch" sound but this still sounds good and I don't know what else it could be replaced with. The pistol is now an M16 rifle set to semiauto. The firing rate has been increased slightly for more realism. The "pistol" now looks and sounds MUCH better than that wimpy 9mm. Note if you have a lot of bad guys on the screen or are playing nightmare etc. you may loose the "flash" from time to time. DOOM seems to skip frames if the action gets heavy and thus the flash may be skipped. I tried to tweak it as best as I could but it still may happen. The chaingun is now an M16 on rock-and-roll (full auto for you neophytes). Firing rate has been increased substantially so watch your ammo. Just remember trigger control, trigger control. :) The rocket launcher is now an M203 grenade launcher built into your M16. Note I was going to replace the sound of firing but this is used elsewhere in the game, ie. boss of episode 2. The plasma gun is your M16 firing the new experimental M555 explosive tipped tracer ammunition. The BFG9000 is now your grenade launcher but with the new experimental low yield tactical atomic grenades. Note I didn't change the impact graphics or damage as it is already quite lethal. I did however increase the firing rate CONSIDERABLY so watch out or you'll be out of ammo before you know it. Since all of the "old issue" weapons have been mothballed I have replaced the graphics of the weapons you find laying around with storage crates similar to the crate of rockets. They are as follows: Red crate: M16 full auto "chaingun" Grey crate: M203 Grenade launcher "rocket launcher" Green crate: Explosive tipped tracer ammo "plasma gun" Beige/yellow crate with radiation symbol: Tactical nuclear grenades "BFG 9000" Also since the "plasma gun" and "BFG 9000" use the same ammo I have changed the different "cell" packs into cans and crates of EXPerimental ammo. The story behind M16-DOOM. You crouch down behind your transport shuttle and try once again to raise the sarge over the comlink. He took the rest of the platoon in over an hour ago and you lost contact with him soon afterwards. From the sounds of gunfire and heavy weaponry you know a massive firefight ensued. You realize that you will have to go in and try to find your buddies and stop this hellish invasion if you can. You look at the service pistol in your hand and shake your head. This is no weapon for a Marine! Courts martial or no you decide to break into the arms locker on the transport. You know that the sarge never has liked the new issue "politically correct" weapons and has some of the old issue gear stashed away. You use the few rounds in your pistol to shoot the lock off the locker and pull it open. You break into a wide grin as you grab the M16-A3 assault rifle inside. This is more like it! There isn't much ammo for it but you know that the old issue gear is still being held in storage inside the base itself. Maybe you can find one of the old grenade launchers or some of the experimental weapons the Marines had been working on before the politicians back home had cut off the funding. You lock and load and walk up to the entrance of the base. Maybe you can find the sarge or maybe its too late but now at least you have a fighting chance! I am releasing this patch as Freeware but if you like it and wish to express your gratitude for such a wonderful add-on to Doom you could send me a check or money order for $2 to: Gregory Melton 1734 Madison Street Kingsport, TN 37665 I plan to port this patch over to Doom II once editors become available. Also I may do other "weapons" patches in the future so watch for them. There are some things that I would like to change but none of the current editors will do it. In a future version of M16-DOOM I hope to increase the damage done by bullet hits (after all a rifle hits harder than a pistol) and change the names of the weapons so you would see "you've got the full auto M16-A3" instead of the "chaingun" etc. I hope you enjoy this patch. It took quite a while to put together but I think the end result is quite good. So semper fi and go kick some butt. Note I don't want to take complete credit for this patch. If it wasn't for the excellent utilities written by the following gentlemen this patch would not exist. Bill Neisius Dmaud audio editor, and Dmgraph graphics editor. Greg Lewis DeHackEd Doom.exe editor.